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Lunch and Learn - Attracting Talent in a Digital World

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Lunch and Learn - Attracting Talent in a Digital World

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) (CST)


In this presentation, attendees will gain clarity, along with a broader understanding on how they can develop their own unique business profile, which will allow them to attract talent through the use of cutting-edge social media. 

Those in attendance will learn how a consistent and focused message can enhance those they wish to recruit to their business, plus enhance their business profile. 

Amy Singleton from Hite Digital stated, "Today's worker is looking for something different than a 9-5 with 2 weeks of vacation & a health plan. They also recognize that they have more options than ever and they're RUNNING away from toxic environments." As an expert in the field of digital marketing & leading teams, she has found two key factors that can set you apart.

  1. Demonstrating consistency in your branding & messaging will help the community to learn about your company and its mission. (Hint: It needs to be about something bigger than the bottom dollar.)
  2. Recognizing that your team members are HUMANS, just like yourself & your clients. Highlight who they are as people, and how your business moves them forward in life- not just gives them a job.

Click here to register today.

Moore Norman Technology Center (S. Penn)
13301 S Pennsylvania Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73170 United States
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) (CST)
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